Monday, December 5, 2011

Value Vs Price - Need a Contractor?

Contractors Who Give Value Not Just a Cheap Price

This article is to explain to consumers the difference between value and price.


- Price is defined as "How much do one of those cost"
- Value is defined as "What do I get when I buy this"

The problem today is most companies believe that the consumer (customer or client) buy their products or services based on price. This is not true, a research carried out revealed only 15-20% of consumers buy based on price.

This fact is important for both consumer and companies because by giving a low price most services or products sold are not to standard, have poor aftercare, do not reach the consumer on time and many more disadvantages.

Companies that do give the consumer products and services with value are the companies which delivery on time, provide a great aftercare service, meet all required standards and most important give the consumer peace of mind because if something does go wrong they are there straight away to fix it.

Over the years I personally have made the mistake of buying solely base on price and have suffered.

Recent Example - I needed to buy a 3rd party opt in database which would allow me to send information to consumers which help them reset RCD at home with no cost.

I spent more then £800 with this company who promised me that the database will have a number of contacts in different areas.

I was also told after paying them they would send me the data straight away. So I did pay them and what happened? They didn't contact me for 3 days, I had to chase them with no reply and started worrying if the company really existed or if they had run off with my money.

I kept on ringing and finally got to who I needed to speak to. They told me that it will take them a few days until they can gather the data, but I told them the sales person told me they had it all ready for me and could send it at a click of a button after payment. Their reply was we will send you a few contacts now.

I didn't have an option and thought they have probably made a mistake.

So they sent me the few contact and when I sent them out 80% were rejected as false addresses. They still hadn't sent me the data I request, so I requested my money back. They then told me I would have to wait 30 days for my money back and someone would call me by the end of tomorrow. But no one did call me and I've been chasing them with no response for a while and still am waiting.

In the mean time I still had to send this information out, so I paid another company which was recommended to me and told me that the information given has a number benefits and testimonials. But there price was higher so I decided not to go on price but the value they promised. Once I purchased it, they sent the information straight away and only 7% of the addresses were faulty, so they replaced them with what they could and refunded me the rest of my money.

Now which one sounds better?

If I tried selling you a new air conditioning unit and told you it costs £1000 and we could install it in the week This is the cheapest price possible.


If I told you we can get you an air conditioning unit for £1300 which comes with 5 years workmanship warranty which means if the unit becomes faulty because of us we don't charge to repair it within 5 years, also it comes with 3 years guarantee for parts so if they become faulty you don't pay for the parts.

We also will give you on site training on how to use the unit, and program it on a timer and other feature. We also will keep in contact with you for 6 months after you have paid just on this install to ensure it is working well.

Also here are testimonials of people in your local area who have used us for years who and vouch for us.

Most people would say option 2. I would and am sure you would too.

So when choosing a company think more then just the price.
Find out the benefits and what make them different.

Value Vs Price - Need a Contractor?



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