Saturday, December 3, 2011

Online buyer Behavior

Is online consumer behavior fundamentally separate from offline consumer behavior? Consumer behavior online and offline has both similarities and differences. The e-commerce world is not as revolutionary as some would have us believe. For instances, the stages of the consumer decision process are basically the same either the consumer is online or offline. On the other hand, the normal model of consumer behavior requires modification to take into catalogue new factors.

consumer reports

Web site features contain the content, institute and functionality of the site. There are parallels in the analog world. For instance, it is well known that consumer behavior can be influenced by store institute and understanding the accurate movements of consumers through a physical store and can enhance sales if goods and promotions are arranged along the most likely consumer tracks.


For instance, because consumers practically invariably enter a store and move to the right, high margin items tend to be settled there. And because it is known that consumers buy fresh dairy products frequently, they are put at the back of grocery stores. Permissible store institute and precision tracking of consumers is not new - but its technical implementation on the web, its lowered cost, its ubiquity and its comprehensiveness on the web are new.

With respect to click stream behavior, a amount of researchers have argued that understanding the background demographics of Internet users is no longer necessary, and not that predictive in any event. In most studies of the consumer behavior, background demographics catalogue usually for less than 10% of the observed behavior. Many believe instead that most foremost predictors of online consumer behavior are the session characteristics and the click stream behavior of the population online. The law is that this data will enable marketers to understand what the consumer was finding for at each occasion and how much were they willing to pay, allowing the marketers to categorically target their communications.

Click stream marketing takes maximum advantage of the Internet environment. It presupposes no prior knowledge of the buyer and can be developed dynamically as customers use the Internet. It gives us the most allinclusive data that can be well transformed into beneficial data thereby providing us with the maximum advantage and enabling us to get much better results in terms of Roi.

Online buyer Behavior



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