The term influencer has now become a phenomenon in the social media world. What was once determined a uncomplicated world that meant a person who has an affect other people's reasoning or actions is now a key to success. In the past few firm articles I've read I have come across this word, but its definition is unclear. Does an influencer have to be person who affects my thoughts, or my actions? And if so, do such actions have to be grand, or can it be as uncomplicated as choosing a salad over a sandwich? What exactly does it mean to be an influencer?
I recently read an article that addressed these exact questions. any way rather than focusing on defining an "influencer" it attempted to first address the word "influence" to great tackle the issue. Realistically, how can we identify an influencer if we don't know what it means to influence? This is the hidden to influencing consumer behavior.
Sometimes our decisions and actions are affected by things and not people, so does that make that thing an influence? It's like a domino effect, one question leads to someone else question that leads to someone else question which... Well you get the picture. The article defined affect as "the motivation to consider any new data with new insight, the chief end that a separate conclusion might eb found." Well by the sound of it, anything can do that.. Like a sign, or a dollar, a picture, or even alcohol.
If an influencer is just a noun that influences then it doesn't primary have to be a person, it can be Anything. So now the question is, who or what indubitably influences people? I'd like to think I'm more influenced by citizen than things, but quite frankly I... Or great yet human beings are just not that simple. We are complicated. I think we are more skeptical about citizen versus things, because things don't have the potential to "hurt" us or "betray" us, but then human association is said to be one of the most powerful connections. Like I said, we are just not that simple...thus development it that much more difficult to try to socially "influence."'
Influencing buyer Behavior by Defining Influencer Consumer
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