A washing machine is not something you can buy and then replace afterwards if you are not satisfied with its performance. Not only does a washing machine cost a lot of money; most people also do not have the luxury of time to go back again and again to the department store and scour the aisles for the perfect laundry machine.
Before you even step out of the house to choose the laundry machine that will best suit your lifestyle, you have to be able to decide from what particular brand to what particular features and enhancements you want to see on your machine. You may not have a difficult time deciding which brand you want but you may want to think more clearly on what type of laundry appliance you should get.
There are two major types of laundry machines: the top loader and the front loader. Top loaders are the more traditional types of washing machines, called such because the bin where you put all your laundry opens on top. On the other hand, the front loaders have been used before for commercial purposes but they are now gaining popularity in the household division.
So which will work better for you? To save time on doing research work and weighing the pros and cons of each machine and even reading all washer forums on the internet, let me help you by saying that it is very likely that the front load washing machine will help you and will best suit your lifestyle. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting a front loader.
A front loader will save you energy
This is true especially if you get a front load washer with an Energy Star label on it, which means it is designed to conserve energy. However, Energy Star or not, front loaders really score better on this area than its top loading counterpart. A top loader operates on an average of 650 rpm or revolutions per minute and those are the high end machine. A standard one will only spin on an average of 300 to 600 rpm.
On the other hand, a front load laundry machine can work on an average of 1000 up to 1350 rpm. What does this mean? An rpm, which means revolutions per minute, measures how fast and efficient a laundry machine can operate. The higher the rpm of a washing machine, the more water removed from your laundry. This is even before you place the laundry in the dryer so you tend to save much more time drying the clothes, not to mention sizable energy savings.
A front loader will save you water
Experts say that a front load appliance can work effectively on a third of the amount of water you should use for the top loader. Why? In using a top loading washer, once you put all your clothes in the bin, you need to cover them all with water, making sure that every item is thoroughly soaked. This is done to ensure that all clothes will be washed thoroughly.
You do not have to do the same with a top load washer. You do not have to fill the entire tub and just fill it with half or even a third of water. Because the tub of a top loader spins vertically or in an up and down motion, gravity takes effect and pulls the clothes down to where the water is. This will thoroughly wash the clothes.
An average front loader also has more capacity in general as compared to the top loader. This means that you can wash all your laundry in just two batches (or even just one, it depends on you). On the other hand, you need to use more water in a top loader because of its capacity, which forces you to divide your laundry into more batches.
A front loader will save you clothes
Most top loaders have central agitators inside the tub which helps spin the clothes for washing. Because of the force exerted unto the clothes, the agitator (true to its name) tends to be the cause of wear and tear on clothing. You can now look suspiciously at your washer for the missing button on your blouse last week.
On the other hand, a top loader, because gravity itself can help it spin the clothes, do not have to use these central agitators. This means there is less wear and tear on your clothes. Using a top loader will also mean less tension and strain on your clothes and so you will be assured that nothing will happen to them when they are inside the tub.
Why You Should Use A Front Load Washing Machine CONSUMER REPORTS WATER SOFTENERS
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