Saturday, October 8, 2011

Well Water Filter Systems

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 15% of Americans get their drinking water from a private drinking well, and none on these wells are the responsibility of the EPA to upkeep or maintain. The EPA has strict standards for things like water turbidity, levels of coliform bacteria, pesticides, radon and other harmful chemicals that can seep into our drinking water supply. It's important that owners of private wells invest in great well water filter systems and test the purity levels of their drinking water at least yearly to avoid well water contamination.

Building Wells with Filter Systems


If you are considering building a well for your home or land, you should know that contractors and well drillers are all stringently licensed by the state and have to follow strict guidelines as far as how wells are built. They must be built so that no rain water drains into them, as rain water can catch bacteria and other harmful particles on land, bringing them with it into your drinking supply. Make sure your contractor is licensed and insured and that your well is built far enough away from harmful materials, livestock or other things that could potentially contaminate your drinking supply.

Installing and Maintaining Filter Systems

Well water filter systems are a key component to your installation and will ensure an EPA approved degree of purity among your drinking water supply. Well water filter systems look a lot like water softeners or small water heaters, and commonly can be installed directly under your sink.

Well Water Filter Systems



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