Do you know the most excellent way to cure your asthma is to avoid asthma attacks. This may include a medication taken everyday, as well as some preventative measures done in your house. But should it include an Ionic Breeze air purifier? Here is what you should know.
The Rumors
You might have heard that Ionic Breeze air purifiers are harmful because they produces ozone. Ozone producing "air purifiers," according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency and numerous health organizations, emit a toxic ozone level. This could result in the start or worsening of health problems.
Ionic Machines vs. Ozone Machines
There's a difference between Ionic air purifiers and ozone machines. Most ozone machines emit ozone up to ten times of what the CFR or Code of Federal Regulations allows. That signifies the government believes the ozone emitted by these machines is dangerous.
Ionic breeze air purifiers as well as computers, ceiling fans, hair dryers, televisions, and some other household appliances make ozone as a by-product. The Code of Federal Regulations is supposed to ensure those by-products are within safe levels.
However, a Consumer Reports research found that out of 7 Ionic air cleaners tested, 5 emitted ozone at high levels than is thought to be safe. Alternatively, the producers insisted Consumer Reports was wrong, their ionic air cleaners produced only small amounts of ozone, they said. In a lawsuit that followed, a famous manufacturer was forced to pay, and soon filed bankruptcy.
EPA Approved?
You might see an EPA number on other air cleaners, including Ionic Breeze air cleaners, but the EPA claims these are just the agency's way of following manufacturing facilities. The digit in no way claims that the EPA has tried the device for use.
Safer Alternatives
No asthma sufferer should have a machine that might raise ozone in their house to dangerous levels. Since it may be unsure whether an ionic air purifier emits ozone in high quantities to worsen asthma, lots of asthma sufferers choose HEPA filtration to use instead, in combination with housecleaning, to lessen allergens.
Safe Use of Air Cleaners
Good quality HEPA air cleaners, combined with eliminating allergens out of the house as much as possible (with, for instance, allergy controlling pillowcases and mattress cases and a HEPA vacuum cleaner), has been shown to lessen asthma attacks. In a study, children with parents employing allergy control measures with a HEPA filter had about 21 lesser days of allergy and asthma symptoms the 1st year of the study and 16 lesser days in the subsequent year.
Is Ionic Breeze Air Purifier Good For People With Asthma? CONSUMER REPORTS WATER SOFTENERS
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