Sunday, September 18, 2011

Use a Water Heater Timer and Save Big Bucks

Using a water heater timer could be the answer to your prayers. If you have been experiencing a surge in your electricity bills, start considering getting one now. Heaters are the highest energy-consuming devices found in your home. You could be spending up to 0 per year in electricity costs just because of it!

An average brand heats gallons of water every time, regardless of whether you use it or not. When you're asleep or out of your home, it water and continues to do so until you use it. This is the reason why you get high utility bills. In order for you to cut back on these costs, you can get a timer.


What is a Water Heater Timer?

This is a device attached to your heater that allows you to control when you want to turn on/off your water heater at different times of the day.

How is this considered a factor in saving energy?

There is no need for a it to continue doing its function when you are at work or asleep. Usually, hot water is needed only for showers, doing the dishes, and laundry. This runs for about 4 hours in a day. Instead of heating water over and over again for 24 hours a day, you have the power of setting when and how often it operates. This can save you up to 12% of energy.

How does a water heater timer work?

These timers have manual buttons that lets you set specific times to turn on/off your heater during the day. For some, you can choose up to 24 on/off settings for each day so you can modify and fine tune your schedule.

If your schedule varies with each day, you can opt for more highly developed ones that come with a programmable function. A digital timer provides seven-day programming that allows you to set a different schedule for each day of the week. Basically, you are in charge of setting the schedules according to your time of use. This is especially suited for those with flexible schedules who have no routine time in needing hot water.

For those with schedules varying only in the weekend, there are less expensive ones available that come with a weekday and weekend schedule.

Digital timers also have a built-in backup that saves your schedule even when there is a power outage. Through this, you do not have to reset your schedule every time a power outage occurs. These timers require minimal, if not zero maintenance.

How can I further cut back on electricity costs?

Contact your utility company and inquire if they offer a demand management program. This means different rates are charged depending on the demand for electricity at that specific time. Lower rates are charged when there is low demand (off peak hours), and higher rates are charged when demand is high (on peak hours). If you are able to set it to function during off peak hours, then you can further cut back on electricity costs.

If you want to reduce your expenses on electricity bills, consider purchasing a water heater timer. It is a very good investment since it is cost-efficient, cheap and easy to use. The best part is using it for just about two to three months would save you the amount of money you used to purchase your timer. It actually pays for itself! This shows how effective water heater timers are in saving you big bucks.

Use a Water Heater Timer and Save Big Bucks



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