Saturday, September 10, 2011

Methods to Use to Diagnose and Control Well Water Problems

It might surprise you to learn that there are still countless numbers of people in the United States who have well water in their homes instead of city water. Although some rural people have been hooked up to rural water systems, many still prefer, or have no other choice than, using their wells. Although well water can ultimately be of better quality than the water provided by cities, most wells have a number of problems that must be addressed before the water will taste and smell the way the homeowner would like it to. Well water problems are common, but most are fixable.

A lot of the quality of well water depends on the area of the country where you live and minerals that are in your soil. Hard water is often a problem that needs to be corrected before minerals build up inside pipes and cause low water flow, corrosion, or blockage. Some of the problems you will see in your home that can tell you that you have hard water include:


- the formation of bathtub rings
- hard, scaly deposits on fixtures and pipes
- spotted, murky-looking water glasses
- the necessity of using more soap to clean things

If you believe you have hard water you can request that a local company come and check the situation out for you. They will probably recommend a water softener which should eradicate the problem.

Another problem that affects well water can be a nasty smell, like rotten eggs. This is caused by sulfur and the sulfate-reducing bacteria that produce gas as a by-product of their metabolisms. This gas is what causes the water to smell so bad, and although it isn't dangerous, it's still presents a nuisance. The presence of iron, sulfur, and manganese in the water is also problematic in that the combination can cause a condition known as "black water". If you have sterling silverware or a tea service, the hydrogen sulfide in your water could cause tarnishing. If these problems are recurring, you can use a manganese-treated green oxidizing filter or continuous chlorination to remedy them.

It's often hard to know exactly what is going on with well water, but there are people who can help you figure it out. There is also a lot of new technology that is available to help control problems in well water. Talking with a professional or researching your problems online can help you get to the bottom of your water troubles.

Methods to Use to Diagnose and Control Well Water Problems



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