Sunday, September 11, 2011

Iron Filters For Well Water Help Prevent Staining and Provide Clean Water For All Purposes

The major problem with iron in well water is that it may cause problems to plumbing fixtures. It becomes necessary to have iron filters for well water installed. The filters remove iron particles substantially from water thus ensuring better taste as well as prolonging life of fixtures.

The water may contain iron in form of iron particles i.e. ferric iron and ferrous or dissolved iron. Ferrous iron is also referred to as clear water iron as it comes out of the faucet clear but when kept standing turns red or brown. Generally clear water iron can be removed with water softeners while sediment filters or carbon filters are needed to remove ferric iron or red water iron. When you install filters for well water, consider factors like the hardness of water and amount and type of iron present in water. Manufacturers of filters like RainDance water systems, Brita, Aqua-pure, etc have variety of iron filters suitable for treatment of iron in municipal water as well as well water. The whole house iron filtration systems are often preferred to treat well water.


RainDance Water systems are popular for their high quality  filters for well water. They have the Iron Max and Iron Eater series which are highly effective in reducing the iron from water. Iron Max whole house well water iron filters are chemical and maintenance free. They are designed to remove iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, etc. As hydrogen sulfide is removed it also effectively removes the bad taste and odor. It uses a state of art high capacity filtration media. The self backwashing system automatically cleans the filter bed. It has an electronic control valve controlled by a timer that initiates backwash cycle and cleans the bed before next period of filtration. Their Iron Eater series filters over twice as much iron and four times as much water hardness as Iron Max. It requires salt or potassium pellets for backwashing. It can filter higher levels of ferric and ferrous iron, manganese and hard water.

The benefits of  filters for well water are many. It prevents staining on bathroom and kitchen fixtures which can really be unsightly if not removed on time. This in turn reduces other costs related to cleaning material for such staining. It also means a reduction in iron collection from washing machines, dishwashers etc. With removal of iron particulates and softening of water you can feel your clothes cleaner and fresher. If you have installed whole house systems or even if you have point of use iron filtration systems you can get cleaner and clearer water from every tap, even showers.

On your part you must ensure timely maintenance of such well water iron filters as per the instruction manual. For improved efficiency analyze the hardness of water and level of iron contamination in water and then choose the appropriate iron filters for well water for your household.

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Iron Filters For Well Water Help Prevent Staining and Provide Clean Water For All Purposes



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