Monday, August 1, 2011

Four Things That Can Mess With Your Consumer Credit Report

The consumer credit report is described as a factual document that profiles a person's history of credit payment. It is a document that is being asked for in many places nowadays. As from before, you can never quite get a bank loan without having your consumer-credit report checked. Some employers, too, express an interest in seeing your consumer credit-report, before considering putting you on their staff. There are even some landlords who won't rent you a house without a look at your credit report, just as there are some people in other areas of business who will be very hesitant to do business with you before they can have a look at your consumer credit repayment history.

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Seeing how much impact your consumer credit-report is likely to have in your life, it only makes sense for you to ensure that you protect it, guarding it against any sort of damage. And looking at people who have truly messed up consumer-credit reports and their life stories, it is not hard to see the kind of things that can really mess with yours - the kind of things you should really avoid.

Consumer Reports

One thing that can really mess with your consumer credit-report is indiscriminate credit card usage. It gets a bit scary when some of us don't actually see the credit card as a line of credit extended to us (and therefore don't feel the need to repay it in good time). If one knows that, for sure, they are given to financial irresponsibility, it may be worth rethinking the whole idea of taking a credit card altogether. Contrary to an amazing public belief that has come up recently, one doesn't actually need a credit card to prove that they are human, especially if they know that they will end up falling back on repayments.

The second thing that can really mess up with your consumer-credit report is regular failure to settle (day to day utility) bills on time. Many of us imagine that loss of access to the various utilities is the worst that can come of failure to settle day to day utility bills. In fact, such failure can have other more chronic effects, as most credit bureaus (the guys who make consumer credit reports) also look at people's utility bill payment patterns.

Falling too far behind in student loan repayment is another thing that easily messes up people's consumer credit reports a great deal. It can never be emphasized enough that the money you are lent to finance your college education is not free money. It is money that you have to repay. And in case you prove unwilling to do so (even where you haven't gotten a job), the lenders alert the credit bureaus- soiling your consumer-credit-report.

Abuse of credit facilities available can, naturally, do your consumer credit report a lot of harm. Taking up every loan that comes your way, and especially borrowing - beyond your real repayment capacity - for consumption (rather than for development) purposes are the kind of things that could, in the fullness of time, irredeemably soil your consumer-credit-report.

Four Things That Can Mess With Your Consumer Credit Report

Consumer Reports


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